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Challenging Picturebooks in Education inviterer til boklansering

Forskergruppen Challenging Picturebooks in Education inviterer til boklansering med to åpne gjesteforelesninger tirsdag 7. september 14.30-16.00 i Pilestredet 44 V130 på OsloMet.

Foto: Routledge


14.30-14.45 Welcome

14.45-15.15 Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer: Exploring Challenging Picturebooks in Education

What should students read? The choice of texts in the classroom has important pedagogical implications for both novice and experienced readers. Children need reading material with potential to challenge them cognitively and emotionally, develop their ability to understand and enhance their joy and motivation for reading. Through theoretical considerations, picturebook analysis and empirical studies in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in different countries, Exploring Challenging Picturebooks in Education investigates the impact of picturebooks on learning processes and the development of multimodal literacy competencies.

Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer. Foto: OsloMet

Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer is Professor in the German Department at the University of Tübingen, Germany. She recently edited The Routledge Companion to Picturebooks (Routledge, 2018).

15.15-15.45 Janice Bland: Picturebooks that challenge the young English language learner

Deep reading of a challenging picturebook requires reading between the lines, guessing and predicting, leading to in-depth learning and critical literacy. Janice Bland presents the challenges and the opportunities that are involved in sharing picturebooks in the primary-school language classroom. Two picturebooks are explored, examining first a picturebook that seems designed to overtly teach the young learner, then comparing this to a non-didactic picturebook that seems to offer the challenge of creativity, critical thinking, and affective involvement.

Janice Bland. Foto: Oslo Met

Janice Bland is Professor of English Education at Nord University, Norway. She recently edited Using Literature in English Language Education: Challenging Reading for 8-18 Year Olds (Bloomsbury Academic, 2018).

15.45-16.00 Mingling

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Leder for forskningsgruppen CPE, Åse Marie Ommundsen, professor i nordisk litteratur, OsloMet: asmaom@oslomet.no

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