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Affordances of an App – A reading of The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore app: Morris discovers a flying woman.

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore app: Morris discovers a flying woman.

«In a relatively short time, apps have become highly popular as a platform for children’s fiction. The majority of media attention to these apps has focused on their technical features. There has been less focus on their aesthetic aspects, such as how interactive elements, visual-verbal arrangements and narration are interrelated. This article investigates how a reading of a «picturebook app» may differ from readings of the narratives found in printed books and movies. The discussion will be anchored in an analysis of the iPad app The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. This app, which is an adaptation of an animated short film, relates the story of a book lover who becomes the proprietor of a magical library.»
Dette skriver Ture Schwebs i innledningen til artikkelen Affordances of an App – A reading of The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore i Barnelitterært Forskningstidsskrift.

Schwebs underviser i medie- og norskfaglige emner ved lærerutdanningen, Høgskolen i Bergen. Han har hovedfag i nordisk litteratur fra Universitetet i Bergen. Han arbeidet 10 år i videregående skole før han i 1990 ble han tilsatt ved HiB. Hans forskningsinteresser er knyttet til tekstformer og sjangrer i nye medier, tekstkulturens forhold til den digitale informasjonsteknologien og til barn og unges ikt-bruk. (Kilde: HiB)

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