Nordic Journal of Childlit Aesthetics is a journal of children’s literature under the Open Access model. The journal aims to develop cross-disciplinary discussions of children’s literature with regard to media, aesthetics and interaction with other art forms.
We therefore invite submission of articles on the following topics:
– analyses of analogue and digital media including children’s literature in the studied material
– theoretical discussions of children’s literature as a verbal and visual art form
– analyses and comparative studies of adaptations of Nordic and international classics in the past, the present and the future
– contextualizing analyses of the role of children’s literature and culture in different social institutions such as schools, day care centres and libraries.
Nordic Journal of Childlit Aesthetics accepts articles in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish and English. All submitted manuscripts will be peer reviewed by a Nordic editorial board and sent to two external reviewers if deemed to be of interest to the journal. Nordic Journal of Childlit Aesthetics publishes articles successively. The journal is designated scientific level 1 in NSD.
Submit your article directly on our website, or submit your idea for an article as an email attachment to Martin Blok Johansen and
Do not include any contact information in the article itself. Please send the title of the article and a brief presentation of the author in a separate file.
For more information, see
Martin Blok Johansen, VIA University College, Denmark ( )
Assistant Editor
Birgitte Eek, The Norwegian Institute for Children’s Books, Norway
About the journal
Nordic Journal of ChildLit Aesthetics is an open access, online-only journal aiming to be a scholarly forum for aesthetics of children’s literature, analogue and digital media, verbal and visual expressions of art, and views on art and children. The journal aims to develop cross-disciplinary discussions on children’s literature with regard to media, aesthetics, interaction with other art forms, and its institutional conditions and reception.
Analytic and empirical articles on a wide array of topics, as well as articles related specifically to research programmes and projects are welcome. We also accept scholarly reviews, doctoral dissertations and debate pieces.
Language options: Articles may be submitted in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and English and will be published in either of those languages. Abstract and key words always in English and Norwegian.
Om tidsskriftet
BLFT. Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift er et elektronisk forskningstidsskrift som blir redigert etter det norske universitets- og høyskolerådets prinsipper for fagfellereferanse og Open Access. Tidsskriftet har tatt mål av seg til å bli et vitenskapelig forum som utforsker barnelitterær estetikk, analoge og digitale medier, verbale og visuelle kunstuttrykk, samt synet på kunst og barn. Tidsskriftet vil utvikle en tverrfaglig diskusjon med hensyn til barnelitteraturens medier, estetikk, interaksjon med andre kunstuttrykk, dens institusjonelle betingelser og resepsjon.
Analytiske og empiriske artikler over frie emner, så vel som artikler knyttet til spesielle forskningsprogrammer og prosjekter er velkomne. Vi tar også imot vitenskapelige anmeldelser, doktordisputaser og debattinnlegg.
Publiseringsspråk: Norsk, svensk, dansk, engelsk. Abstract og søkeord alltid på engelsk og norsk.