Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift
40-årsjubileum for ikonotekstbegrepet
I 1982 lanserte Kristin Hallberg begrepet ikonotekst om samspillet mellom tekst og bilde. I en ny artikkel ser hun tilbake på dets teoretiske kontekst.
To nye artikler i Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift
Det er nylig blitt publisert to nye artikler, av Yan Du og Nina Goga, i Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift (BLFT).
Call for papers fra Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift – Nordic Journal of Childlit Aesthetics
BLFT. Barnelitterært forskningstidsskrift er et vitenskapelig forum som utforsker barnelitterær estetikk, analoge og digitale medier, verbale og visuelle kunstuttrykk, samt synet på kunst og barn. Forskningstidsskriftet etterlyser nå nye artikler om barnelitteratur.
Affordances of an App – A reading of The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
«In a relatively short time, apps have become highly popular as a platform for children’s fiction. The majority of media attention to these apps has focused on their technical features. There has been less focus on their aesthetic aspects, such as how interactive elements, visual-verbal arrangements and narration are interrelated. This article investigates how a reading of a «picturebook app» may differ from readings of the narratives found in printed books and movies. The discussion will be anchored in an analysis of the iPad app The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. This app, which is an adaptation of an animated short film, relates the story of a book lover who becomes the proprietor of a magical library.»
Littler Red Riding Hoods – Bookreview of Sandra Beckett: Revisioning red riding hood around the world
«In Revisioning Red Riding Hood around the World, Sandra Beckett presents 52 versions of the tale of Little Red Riding Hood in English translations from 15 other languages, representing authors, illustrators, and publishers from a globetrotter’s list of countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Russia, Spain, and Switzerland. While some of the original texts first appeared in the early 20th century, most were published after 1970, and about half of them in the last two decades.
Engineering stories? A narratological approach to children’s book apps
«With the rise of smartphones and tablet pcs, children’s book apps have emerged as a new type of children’s media. While some of them are based on popular children’s books such as Mo Willems’ Pigeon books or Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit, others were specifically designed as apps. This paper focuses on examining book apps under the aspects of implied user strategies and narrative structure. Using a narratological framework that also takes into account the unique characteristics of the medium, a terminology for the analysis of book apps will be sketched out.
Furthermore, an exemplary analysis of iOS book apps for pre- and grade school children comes to the conclusion that, far from offering the child users room for individual creativity, a large number of apps rather train their users in following prescribed paths of reading.»
Dette skriver forskeren Hadassah Stichnothe ved Karl Eberhards Universitet i Tyskland i abstractet til sin artikkel i BLFT Barnelitterært Forskningstidskrift.
Les hele artikkelen i BLFT: Engineering stories? A narratological approach to children’s book apps
Barnelitterære ryggmargsrefleksar. Innspel til forskingshistorie – perspektiv på forsking og kritikk
Artikkelen til Ingeborg Mjør, førsteamanuensis ved Høgskolen i Bergen, dokumenterer den barnelitterære forskingshistoria i Noreg, og korleis denne har utvikla seg i samspel med andre delar av det barnelitterære feltet, særleg kritikken. Først på 1990-talet kan ein sjå vesentlege forskingsresultat. 1990-talet representerte også ei litterær vending innanfor det barnelitterære feltet, på grunn av ein ny barnelitteratur, ny teori og nye forskingsperspektiv.